???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? Teaching Spanish / Catalan to immigrants

Objectives and competences

1. Training goals
The Master in Teaching Spanish/Catalan to Immigrant people is aimed at training students for:

•    Teaching these languages in pedagogical contexts in which Spanish and/or Catalan are second languages or foreign languages.
•    Answering to the immigrant collective’s linguistic and communicative needs adequately.
•    Analysing and establishing intercultural mediation strategies in order to facilitate the integration of immigrants in the educative system, in particular, and in the society, in general.
•    Planning and evaluating the process of teaching/learning of Spanish and/or Catalan in a short, medium and long term period in a coherent manner, depending on the teaching context and the curriculum and with different objectives and methodology.
•    Designing and developing didactic materials aimed at teaching Spanish or Catalan as a foreign language, especially for immigrant learning.
•    Evaluating the students’ linguistic knowledge of Spanish and/or Catalan from the design of specific probationary tests. 
•    Observing and evaluating their own learning attitude, reflecting on their own learning process.
•    Answering autonomously to the demands that may appear in the social and educative context, and carrying out different functions as a teacher and as a linguistic training member.
•    Investigating in second language teaching, as well as linguistic and cultural mediation.

2. General ann specific competences
a. General competences

•    To be able to put the acquired knowledge into practice and to solve problems in new and unpopular environments inside more broaden contexts (or multidisciplinary) related to the teaching/learning of Spanish/Catalan as a foreign language.
•    To be able to integrate knowledge and to deal with the complexity involved in having to make judgments from information that although being incomplete or limited, includes thoughts about the social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of knowledge and judgements.
•    To be able to communicate the conclusions─ and the knowledge and reasons for having reached them─ to specialized and non-specialized publics in a clear manner and without ambiguities.
•    To acquire the learning abilities which allow autonomous study.
•    To reach oral and written correction.
•    To have a good command of a foreign language.
•    To have a good command of IT.
•    To respect the main rights of equality among men and women, the encouragement of Human Rights and of the values inherent to a culture of pace and democracy.

b. Specific competences

•    Become aware of the importance that the pragmatic aspects have in the understanding of the message and the effect that this connexion has in the process of teaching/learning a second language.
•    Identify the aspects of greater difficulty in phonetics, grammar and lexicon of Spanish/Catalan and to develop mechanisms for its acquisition by the students whose mother tongue is another one.
•    Deepen in the understanding of the processes which make easy the communication in the four abilities (listening comprehension, oral skills, reading comprehension and writing skills.
•    To reflect upon teaching culture through language and language through culture, as well as to elaborate proposals of teaching/learning Spanish/Catalan through cultural contents.
•    To be familiar with the potentialities and difficulties of culture contact in the teaching/learning of ELE/CLE and to develop formative and acquisition strategies in order to facilitate intercultural communication and integration.
•    Learn the necessary mechanisms for intercultural mediation in situations of contact and clash between cultures.
•    Know the best usage of the different didactic resources that exist.
•    Learn how to design, elaborate, edit and implement didactic material of ELE/CLE.
•    To become familiar with all the models of evaluation of the linguistic and cultural competences existent, as well as the processes of teaching/learning of ELE/CLE.
•    Know the tools and resources and develop strategies for teaching/learning ELE/CLE in specific collectives (depending on age, gender, cultural background and being immigrant or not, of the students).
•    Learn how to use the possibilities that the new technologies offer, integrating them in teaching ELE/CLE.
•    Understand and appreciate the role that the Spanish/Catalan literature has as an instrument for the development of the linguistic competence and the approximation to the sociocultural context of a language.
•    Know the communicative differences among men and women and the consequences that these have in teaching/learning a foreign language.
•    Reflect upon the specific situation of immigrant women in the process of teaching/learning ELE/CLE and cultural integration and develop mechanisms in order to facilitate this process.
•    Reflect upon the influence on the culture and the vision of the Greco-Roman world in our collective way of thinking and life; analyse the way in which this is treated in the didactic materials for ELE/CLE and elaborate activities and materials for learning.
•    Put into practice all the acquired knowledge in the context of a classroom and the professional activities related to teaching/learning from language and culture.
•    Begin researches with a tutor on teaching/learning Spanish or Catalan and their cultures.